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Monday, 27 April 2009

Make Money Online

Can Adsense Make You Money?

Adsense can make you money but it takes a long time and a lot of hard work. Of course to get more clicks you need to generate more traffic and their are 5 easy ways to do this!
  1. Submit your website or blog to google (here)
  2. Use social netoworking sites, because these can generate a lot more views then you think. You can use either Facebook, Twitter, MySpace even other blog's etc
  3. Get involved in as many different blogging sites as you can, i personally use mostly Freedom to blog then BlogCatalog, My Blog Log and as many more as you can!
  4. Get good content on your blog!- This is one of the most hardest but best way to get traffic to your blog. If people enjoy your blog they will come back? Simple!
  5. Get comments on your blog- this is one of the best ways because the search engines look for comments and they can link back to your site or blog. So get commenting! You can even go onto other's blogs and write a comment, best to ask a question or something with a response. This way they will comment back, not only giving you another comment but also more views!
These are only 5 steps out of hundreds to keep the money rolling in!
I will give hints and help everyday to help you make the most money you can.
This is only one of my few blogs and i will explain about this later on, but if you want to visit it you can :)

Anyways happy making money

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