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Wednesday, 29 April 2009

What colour to have my ads?

What colour ads make the most money?

This is a well discussed and argued topic. Many people believe that having your ads LOUD will generate more interest. This will drag peoples eye's away from your posts, but do you want this? If people come on your blog and only see the ads are they likely to come back? I don't think so, so that's the reason i don't use this style.

I personally think blending the ads and the blog together is the best way. This way people will click the ads if they want to which has 2 good points.
  1. Doesnt put your account at risk! Nothing is worse then putting all this effort into making a good blog and then for adsense close your blog.
  2. Makes your blog look better, I hate going onto blogs and seeing ads screaming at me. This way the readers look at your posts first and then the ads. The way you want it to be.
But this is only for my blog that this works for, so all i can say is pratice and pratice. One week try making your ads loud and see how much you generate from then, then the next week blend you ads.
Whatever one brings in the most money use!